Donkey Kong Country Returns video review – Nintendo Wii

This is my video review for Donkey Country Kong Returns for the Nintendo Wii.

Here are the gameplay videos that I recorded and edited for the video review. In these videos, I am playing as Donkey Kong and my girlfriend Chelsea is playing as Diddy Kong.

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  1. #1 by Trevor Howard on February 6, 2011 - 12:47 am

    Nice review! I personally had a stockpile of extra lives. Some levels would give me 1 or 2 balloons before I died over and over, leaving me with 30-40 lives at some points. Your complaints about the unnecessary waggle to roll and ground pound are spot-on. Why no classic controller support? Rolling should be as easy as a button press and ground-should be hold down on the D-Pad and press a button. Not to mention, in a game that demands precise controller inputs, why would shaking the controller be ideal? Once again, good review!

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