Posts Tagged alien

Post-Halloween Horror Movie Review Round-Up

I watched a lot of horror movies this week, being Halloween and all. Here’s what I thought of them.

This movie is kind of boring. The plot sounds good enough on paper, but when you watch the movie it is kind of uninteresting because everything takes place in one room. This robs the movie of any kind of interesting cinematography and greatly hampers the ability to create suspense. The ending, while not overly predictable, is also not very shocking. I guess I would just describe this movie as being kind of “blah”.

Pet Sematary is an entertaining horror movie despite being somewhat dated. The story presented here is quintessential Steven King. The pace is a bit slow because the movie is filled with character exploration, although I don’t feel that these characters are among Steven King’s best. This movie has some creepy moments and does a good job of building tension, but ultimately I don’t think this movie is scary by today’s standards. Thankfully the creepy plot and endearing characters keep this movie engaging enough to allow the viewer to become caught up in atmosphere that King has created.

This movie represents the archetype for many, many similar movies to follow. It’s an absolute horror classic, almost every scene from this movie is iconic. This movie also packs some serious scares, although some of the effects look rather cheesy by today’s standards. Still, I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for good scary flick.

This movie’s pretty atrocious. The acting is horrible and the story is nonsensical. I actually really liked the original Silent Hill movie so this one was disappointing. Maybe the problem is that you have to be familiar with the Silent Hill video games in order to appreciate this? At the very least this movie has some creepy visuals and CGI but the acting especially really brings this one down.

This one surprised me, it was a lot better than I thought it would be. The plot revolves around some genuinely disturbing imagery that feed into the overall mood and tone of the movie. There are several plot twists that really keep you guessing and ultimately culminate to an unorthodox yet satisfying ending.

This is an entertaining albeit somewhat goofy horror flick. There is lots of gore, gross-outs and some comedic moments as well. My biggest criticism of this movie is that it is kind of disjointed. The plot jumps around between characters and is somewhat difficult to follow, but honestly this doesn’t detract from the film too much. Check this one out if you are looking for a gory alien horror flick.

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Quick Movie Review: The Fourth Kind

This is one of those movies where the scariest part is what you are imagining in your mind is going to happen but the movie itself doesn’t really deliver the scare. I found this movie to be pretty creepy and somewhat interesting but nothing amazing.

The plot of this movie is that Dr. Abigail Tyler has stumbled upon a disturbing shared dream experience among several of her patients and must use hypnotism therapy to unravel the mystery. The movie has an interesting way of presenting this plot; acted re-creations (starring Milla Jovovich) composited with ‘actual footage’ of hypnotism sessions and interview footage of the ‘real’ Dr. Abigail Tyler. I put ‘actual footage’ in quotes because the movie actually puts that in the corner of the screen in an attempt to add credibility and believability to the movie during certain scenes.

If you can get pulled into the illusion that the footage you are watching is believable you will like this movie. Personally, I think if you are in the mood to watch an alien abduction movie you’d be better off with ‘Fire in the Sky’.

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