Posts Tagged bad

Haiku of the Day catch-up

I’m a bad blogger, looks like I owe some haiku. Here goes!!

Eating Crow

Having to eat crow
Truly puts one in their place
Wish it wasn’t me


Magic the Gathering

When you play this game
Feel free to make up some rules



To install updates
These programs must be shut down
I’ll update later


Super Castlevania IV

This game’s hard as balls
I believe someday I’ll win
Fuck you, Dracula

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Quick Movie Review: Date Night

Boring, mediocre, bland. Not much else to say about it. I feel like this movie had potential to be really funny if the plot weren’t so bad.

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Cyanide – Bad Religion cover

Did a Bad Religion cover, ‘Cyanide’. Probably my favorite song off ‘Dissent of Man’, hope you enjoy my hastily prepared version.

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Quick Movie Review: Daybreakers

I first saw the trailer for this a while ago and the whole premise intrigued me. I really enjoy movies with vampires and this movie seemed to have an interesting twist: vampires have fed on nearly all the humans in the world and need to find a new food source. Sounds like it has a lot of potential, yes?

The movie starts off pretty strong. I liked the dark atmosphere and there were some cool makeup and special effects for the vampires. But then all of a sudden, about 1/3rd of the way through I’d say, the movie starts to suck really hard. It’s just not a good movie at all. It’s one of those movies where you realize about halfway through that it’s just not going to go anywhere and you lose interest, making the experience that much more painful.

Final verdict: great premise, boring movie.

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Quick Movie Review: Revolver

This movie stops making sense about half-way through. That, and Jason Statham’s wig in this movie looks laughably horrible. Avoid.

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