Posts Tagged Cyber Sasquatch

Potrait of a Cyber Sasquatch final

Here’s the final. I am quite pleased with how it turned out, especially the color scheme. Doesn’t this guy look like he just jumped out of the Ninja Turtles cartoon from the 90’s? Thanks for viewing and please feel free to comment and critique.

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Cyber Sasquatch lineart

Ol’ Sassy gets some improved lineart. Next comes the color. I’m thinking this will make a cool avatar once it’s done.

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Portrait of a Cyber Sasquatch sketch

This is a quick attempt at illustrating a ‘Cyber Sasquatch’. They are curious creatures, often known to wail on guitars or enjoy Playstation 3 games. I find there is a lot of confusion regarding the Cyber Sasquatch; is it a Sasquatch that is also a cyborg? A robot designed in the image of a Sasquatch? Some kind of bio-engineered simian-like organism? These are questions I hope to delve into much further.

I’m going to take this into Photoshop and attempt to capture this creature’s majesty with a digital painting.

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