Posts Tagged obsession

My Favorite Charlie Sheen Quotes

Like you, I am currently caught up in America’s latest celebrity obsession, Charlie Sheen, and his bizarre life. I think his recent TV and radio appearances have been nothing short of epic! Here, in no particular order, are my favorite Charlie Sheen quotes. Feel free to share any I missed in the comments. Winning!

  • Put down your sword and join the winners.
  • I will love you violently with the fire of 1,000 suns.
  • It’s all passion… you borrow my brain for 5 seconds and just be like, “Dude! Can’t handle it, unplug this bastard.” Because it just fires in a way that is… maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm.
  • I’m bi-winning. I win here and I win there. Now what? (when asked if he is bi-polar)
  • I blinked and cured my brain.
  • ‘Can’t’ is the cancer of ‘happen’.
  • I am on a drug. It’s called ‘Charlie Sheen’. It’s not available because if you try it once you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
  • Stay off the crack. Drink chocolate milk.

Here’s the awesome interview Howard Stern did with Charlie on 3/1.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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Quick Movie Review: Black Swan

Odds are pretty good that at some point this weekend someone is going to tell you to see Black Swan. They may even tell you it’s about ballerinas. What they will not tell you is that it’s a movie about paranoia, pressure, schizophrenia, guilt, sexuality, bulemia, obsession, jealousy and perfectionism. It’s a psychological thriller and it works on multiple levels.
This movie can be quite scary at times and is visceral throughout. This is a movie that introduces you to an interesting character and takes her on a dramatic downward spiral. Oh, and there’s a lot of shaky cam.

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