Posts Tagged thriller

Black Friday singers

Just wanted to share something awesome a couple of my friends did this past Black Friday. They wrote a bunch of Black Friday-themed song parodies and went to all the big department stores in our area and performed them live for the people in line. I went to go check them out, it was hilarious and the people waiting in line ate it up. These are videos they recorded and posted on YouTube under PerformersAnonymous.

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Quick Movie Review: Black Swan

Odds are pretty good that at some point this weekend someone is going to tell you to see Black Swan. They may even tell you it’s about ballerinas. What they will not tell you is that it’s a movie about paranoia, pressure, schizophrenia, guilt, sexuality, bulemia, obsession, jealousy and perfectionism. It’s a psychological thriller and it works on multiple levels.
This movie can be quite scary at times and is visceral throughout. This is a movie that introduces you to an interesting character and takes her on a dramatic downward spiral. Oh, and there’s a lot of shaky cam.

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